Nr 16/2023 Projektowanie systemowe
4 System – A Complex Thing (a.k.a. Cheesecake Recipe)

Nr 16/2023 Projektowanie systemowe

  1. Wstęp

  2. Budowanie przyszłości w systemach

  3. Jak zrozumieć i wykorzystać myślenie systemowe na styku projektowania i biznesu?

  4. Dekonstruując myślenie projektowe

  5. System – rzecz złożona (czyli przepis na sernik)

  6. (Nie)standaryzacja. Projektowanie dla szwajcarskiej służby zdrowia

  7. Metadizajn systemów transgresji. Kreowanie tożsamości i queerowość

4 System – A Complex Thing (a.k.a. Cheesecake Recipe)

The article describes the issues of information structure design based on selected wayfinding systems in the public space.
Providing examples of their own designs and solutions offered by other European design studios, the authors present the ways of finding a pattern (structure) of information and translating it into a logical sequence of user-friendly visual communications.
The analysis of formal components used in the presented systems indicates such elements which strongly condition the efficiency and functionality of the demonstrated visual information designs (typographic layout, character of pictograms, colour schemes, form of information carrier, modularity, hierarchy of carrier sizes).
The article emphasises the significance of the systemic design of visual information in reference to place identity and maintaining the distinctiveness ie. clarity of communications, which should attract attention, as well as the functionality of the entire design solution.

Keywords: Visual Information System (VIS), Urban Wayfinding System, Urban Information System (UIS), pattern, structure