Nr 6/2020 Zawód projektant
1 Occupation: designer – from a graphic artist to a product manager

Nr 6/2020 Zawód projektant

  1. Wstęp

  2. Zawód dizajner – od plastyka do product managera

  3. Odmienne stany świadomości. Czy można połączyć projektowanie w realiach rynkowych z myśleniem akademickim?

  4. Wespół w zespół

  5. Polski projektant komunikacji wizualnej wczoraj i dziś

  6. Projektowanie produktów z praktycznego punktu widzenia

  7. Czemu i komu służy wyobraźnia

1 Occupation: designer – from a graphic artist to a product manager

The term ‘design’ has become broad but also ambiguous. In order to write about a designer’s profession, one should attempt to define what it is we are talking about. Another “variable” is the scope of an industrial design. Such basic findings are prerequisite to considering the constant features of this occupation, among which one typically counts the essentials of a design process: definition, research, designing and verification. The significance of teamwork must not be neglected either. And finally the future – is it possible to forecast the development of a designer’s profession under current circumstances?

Keywords: industrial design, design process, designer’s job description, interdisciplinary team, service and product