Nr 13/2022 Badanie i projektowanie
6 Held in tension: craft, design, and technology

Nr 13/2022 Badanie i projektowanie

  1. Wstęp

  2. Między badaniem a projektowaniem

  3. Badania w leanowym procesie projektowania produktu

  4. Z perspektywy materiałów

  5. Jak wyjść poza antropocentryzm badań w projektowaniu?

  6. Problem odbiorcy w projektowaniu (komunikacji)

  7. Held in tension: craft, design, and technology

  8. Sustainable Form-active Structures. A design research methodology at two scales

6 Held in tension: craft, design, and technology

This paper considers the trajectory of thought that has repositioned craft, design, and technology within a relational framework. It then discusses three different approaches to the integration of craft, design, and technology: the first having to do with human and architectural bodies; the second, with repairing social fabrics; and the third, with the aesthetics of computation. I argue that craft and technology are increasingly coterminous and that they are the means through which design, understood ontologically, makes worlds.

Keywords: craft, design, technology, digital, textiles