Nr 7/2020 Proces projektowy
5 Will bots accelerate the market research revolution?

Nr 7/2020 Proces projektowy

  1. Wstęp

  2. Po co dzisiaj badać i opisywać proces projektowy

  3. Design thinking nie wystarczy

  4. Odczytywanie niewypowiedzianego

  5. Badania, które pomagają projektować

  6. Czy boty przyspieszą rewolucję na rynku badań?

  7. Zrównoważony rozwój i dizajn opakowań. W poszukiwaniu problemu projektowego

5 Will bots accelerate the market research revolution?

Over the last 50 years, market research has become an important element in the process of developing the existing and implementing the new products and services. The increasing role of market research translates into the growing market value of market research companies and investors’ interest. Agencies more frequently choose narrow specialities, the market is entered by technological research start-ups, and many experts leave large agencies and launch their own boutiques. This considerable business dynamics may result in uncertainty. The pandemic has made us aware that the era of non-digital research is coming to an end. The “new normality” has turned what recently was an option into a new standard, and forced researchers to quickly adapt their former tools to the new conditions. In response to the new business needs, many companies have been working on solutions based on artificial intelligence and using new bot interfaces to contact the researchers and respondents alike.

This article seeks to present and discuss the new solutions and answer the questions:

  • Will artificial intelligence and bots accelerate the market research revolution?
  • Are the researchers ready for solutions based on artificial intelligence and those using bots?
  • How will the researcher’s role change as a result of new technologies?

The article analysis various scenarios of artificial intelligence and bots application using partial results of a quantitative study.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, bots, market research, opinion polls