Nr 17/2023 Open source
1 The Must-Know! On the open source movement outside the coding culture

Nr 17/2023 Open source

  1. Wstęp

  2. Musicie wiedzieć wszystko! O ruchu otwartych źródeł poza kulturą programistyczną

  3. W erze algorytmów. Otwarte zasoby internetu w służbie rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji?

  4. „Uwolnić projekt” jako nowy model produkcji i dystrybucji, inspirowany etnografią

  5. Open design jako lekcja pokory wobec przedmiotu

  6. Finansowanie społecznościowe – w kierunku projektowej emancypacji

  7. Reading AI Family Resemblances using Cross-Stitch Patterns

  8. How open is design? O projektowaniu w otwartym dostępie

1 The Must-Know! On the open source movement outside the coding culture

This article rests on the question: What is property in the context of knowledge production and accessibility? The strategy of free and unpaid data flow as the key objective of the Open Source Software (OSS) movement can be applicable to areas of life other than coding, from artwork distribution, through open-source intelligence (OSINT), up to methods of free education on the advancement of climate crisis. Repositories of intellectual resources excluded from private property and co-managed by inclusive community, as it is the case with phantom libraries and collections of wartime experience accounts, are a flicker of hope for returning agency to crisis societies. Is there a possible alternative to commodification of knowledge? This article is constructed around case studies as regards the application of open source policy and declassification of production methodologies as well as the appropriation, commodification and eventually withholding intellectual resources from the public.

Keywords: open source, intellectual property, redistribution of digital resources, incorporeal commons, crisis