Nr 20/2024 Promocja dizajnu
2 The Eindhoven Phenomenon. History and Development of Dutch Design Week

Nr 20/2024 Promocja dizajnu

  1. Wstęp

  2. Dizajn dla wszystkich. Subiektywnie o wystawach projektowania

  3. Fenomen Eindhoven. Historia i rozwój Dutch Design Week

  4. Dizajn w muzeum

  5. Między światowością a lokalnością. Dylematy promowania polskiego dizajnu na przykładzie Zamku Cieszyn

  6. Projektowe laboratorium, czyli programy wsparcia dla biznesu oparte na dizajnie

  7. Promowanie przez pisanie. Rola publikacji i krytyki w kształtowaniu projektowania graficznego

  8. Wygrałem, zdobyłem, zapłaciłem…

2 The Eindhoven Phenomenon. History and Development of Dutch Design Week

This article analysis the unique character of the Dutch Design Week festival (DDW) in Eindhoven, emphasising its meaning as an event presenting experimental and critical approach to design. The text presents the change of Eindhoven from an industrial city into a centre for innovation and design, paying attention to the key events and persons who affected the festival development. Based on free interviews with five different recipients of the event and the analysis of available reports, the article provides a profile and motivations of participants, emphasising the social and cultural influence of the festival on design circles and local community. Moreover, the text sheds a light on problems and challenges the festival has faced, indicating the obstacles to its further development, and the ways in which the organisers and participants try to tackle them in order to continue its mission of supporting innovation and international creative dialogue.

Keywords: design festival, design promotion, Eindhoven, Dutch Design Week, design exhibitions