Nr 7/2020 Proces projektowy
4 Research which helps design

Nr 7/2020 Proces projektowy

  1. Wstęp

  2. Po co dzisiaj badać i opisywać proces projektowy

  3. Design thinking nie wystarczy

  4. Odczytywanie niewypowiedzianego

  5. Badania, które pomagają projektować

  6. Czy boty przyspieszą rewolucję na rynku badań?

  7. Zrównoważony rozwój i dizajn opakowań. W poszukiwaniu problemu projektowego

4 Research which helps design

It is increasingly assumed in the design circles that good design satisfies the users’ needs and thereby makes their lives a little easier and more pleasant. In order to achieve such an effect, you need to learn about the needs, habits and emotions of people you design for – and this is the purpose of user research. This article presents user research as a process which does not aim to come up with a complete and precise image of the users’ world, but to direct the creative work. In other words, research is not only about the “accuracy” of results, but also (and maybe more so) about facilitating design and increasing the chances of achieving the intended results. Moreover, the suggested approach assumes that research needs to be neither costly, time-consuming nor carried out by professional scholars in order to reasonably support creative work.

Keywords: user research, user interview, user-centred design, design methods, users’ needs