Nr 11/2021 Współuczestniczenie i współprojektowanie
5 Research methods in participatory service design

Nr 11/2021 Współuczestniczenie i współprojektowanie

  1. Wstęp

  2. O korzyściach i trudach projektowania partycypacyjnego przestrzeni publicznej

  3. Czy woli Pan/Pani czerwony, czy niebieski?

  4. Prototypowanie miasta

  5. Wywiad to nie wszystko. O partycypacyjnych metodach projektowania

  6. Techniki badawcze w projektowaniu partycypacyjnym usług

  7. Empiria w projektowaniu (komunikacji)

5 Research methods in participatory service design

Participatory design has been successfully supporting the research and design itself for years. Standing at the crossroads of these disciplines, it requires the designers to have the competence of both kinds.

The social, economic and technological changes we have experienced in the recent years indicate that we are living in the times of collaboration, co-creation, co-design which, on the one hand, release the designer from the burden of sole responsibility in the design process, while including the users with their dreams, concepts, needs and emotions on the other. Inviting its recipients to use various research tools, participatory design provides the access to their hidden knowledge. Four of those tools seem to be particularly useful. This article aims to familiarise the reader with these research techniques and present a case study – a medical service for enterally-fed patients designed by means of a participatory process.

Keywords: participatory design, needs analysis, service design, client journey map, user journey, individual in-depth interviews