Nr 23/2024 Opowiadanie o polskim designie
3 Polish Design up against Paradigm Shift

Nr 23/2024 Opowiadanie o polskim designie

  1. Wstęp 23

  2. Lśniąca nowoczesność w ruchu. Projekt skutera Osa, relaks i konsumpcja w długich latach 60.

  3. Życie rzeczy i życie z rzeczami. Jak badać urządzanie mieszkań w PRL-u?

  4. Polski design w obliczu zmiany paradygmatu

  5. W poszukiwaniu sposobu na modę

  6. Razem, nie osobno, czyli o zawodowych małżeńskich kooperacjach. Casus projektantów szkła i ceramiki użytkowej lat 60. XX wieku

  7. Totalność Cepelii

3 Polish Design up against Paradigm Shift

The first decades of the 21st century have brought about the post-anthropocentric awareness, postulating eradicating the human from the centre of the earthly ecosystem, and constructing the conviction of writing human life into a broader context, assuming the care for diversity of fauna and flora species. In the face of such a change, the rules currently followed by designers, have been questioned. Not only have been the principles – so far considered as guarantees of propagating good design – criticised, but also the sense of functionalism postulates challenged, along with the pursuit of human-centred design, essentially based on articulating the interests of the producer, benefiting from the sale of goods and services. Recognising the negative mechanisms which shape design methods, obliges the participants of this process to undertake corrective actions. These will be directed mainly towards the protection of biological diversity on the planet. Indications of the new attitude can be found i.a. in Comforty and BMW commissions recently realised by Maja Ganszyniec. At the current stage, however, it is hard to predict if the trend apparent from these designs will become mainstream.

Keywords: post-Anthropocene, “good design”, biodiversity, environmental protection, Maja Ganszyniec