Nr 4/2020 Projektowanie uniwersalne
7 Patterns of Learning: Intelligent Toys for Children with Autism

Nr 4/2020 Projektowanie uniwersalne

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7 Patterns of Learning: Intelligent Toys for Children with Autism

Since the popularity of video games haptic controllers have tried to capture physical actions to mimic the real world. The focus has been on the interaction rather than the relationship between manipulating content to the game. Educational game developers understand the importance of relating content to game action to reinforce learning. With the advent of artificial intelligence, the use of neural networks that predict human behaviour have the potential to capture these physical interactions in part, to map the learning process. In this study, artificial intelligent toys attempt to record the patterns of learning aiding students with autism to learn, mimic, transition, and apply new information.

Keywords: Education, Toys, Autism, Haptics, Artificial Intelligence