Nr 2/2019 Wokół Bauhausu
6 Modern Furniture Made of Nickel-Plated Steel Tubes and Their Designer, Bruno Weil from Bielsk

Nr 2/2019 Wokół Bauhausu

  1. Wstęp

  2. Wirus Bauhausu

  3. Bauhaus. Przemilczane kryzysy

  4. Obok – polscy projektanci i Bauhaus

  5. Nowy początek. Kobiety Bauhausu

  6. Modernizm we Wrocławiu

  7. Nowoczesne meble z niklowanych rur stalowych i ich bielski projektant Bruno Weil

  8. Od modernizmu do medialabów. Krytyczne projektowanie w czasach nadmiaru danych

6 Modern Furniture Made of Nickel-Plated Steel Tubes and Their Designer, Bruno Weil from Bielsk

This paper includes research findings presenting the profile of Bruno Weil, most likely born in Buczkowice and growing up in Bielsk. He was a furniture designer, little-known in Poland, and the director of the Parisian branch of Thonet, the bentwood furniture factory. His relationship with Marcel Breuer, the master of carpenter workshops of the Weimar Bauhaus, and the nature of his contact with Le Corbusier, the representative of the architectural avant-garde in France, were recreated. The research methods were typical of the scientific workshop of an art historian and based both on studying archival sources and published materials and on analyzing preserved historic materials which are a part of Alexander von Vegesack’s private collections in Boisbuchet.

Keywords: furniture made of tubular steel, Marcel Breuer, Bruno Weil, Thonet-Mundus