Nr 19/2023 Z punktu widzenia…
1 Life-Centred Design – A Call for a New Paradigm

Nr 19/2023 Z punktu widzenia…

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  7. Unaukowić dizajn, czyli jak powstało wzornictwo przemysłowe. Kultura projektowania w Polsce lat 60.

  8. Razem z przemysłem w służbie społeczeństwu. Powołanie Stowarzyszenia Projektantów Form Przemysłowych w 1963 roku w kontekście międzynarodowym

1 Life-Centred Design – A Call for a New Paradigm

We are living in the times of great challenges connected with mass extinction of species and climate changes. Annihilation of life and destabilisation of the Earth ecosystem we have caused threatens the survival of human species. One of the main reasons for these hazards is the overconsumption of goods and services characteristic especially of the countries of the wealthy North. Culture of design has a lion share in this process. The circles of designers commissioned by producers of goods and services constantly seek new forms in order to attract even more customers. This gives impetus to the spiral of consumption and negative environmental consequences. So far, design was oriented towards producing useful or unique objects and services. What dominates now is human-centred (user-centred) design in which human needs are the crucial criterion of making a particular product. Such an approach, however, forwards the anthropocentric belief in human superiority over other beings and thereby adds to the increasing destruction of natural environment. It is high time for the centre of design process to be dedicated to life as a planetary phenomenon and human as one of its elements. Design should account for the interest of nature, non-human creatures, and the entire planet. Life-centred design, therefore, is regenerative in character, responds to the needs of human and biosphere, and introduces a framework for responsible business. All that to design products and services that minimise environmental damages, rebuild the planet, and support fair ways of functioning beneficial to (human and non-human) life.

Keywords: environmental crisis, anthropocentrism, overconsumption, doughnut economics, life-centred design