Nr 5/2020 Warsztaty i projektowanie
2 Kraków Workshops Association

Nr 5/2020 Warsztaty i projektowanie

  1. Wstęp

  2. Rękodzielnik kontra projektant przemysłowy. Gildie i warsztaty z przełomu wieków XIX i XX jako argument w sporze o nowoczesny dizajn

  3. Stowarzyszenie Warsztaty Krakowskie

  4. Ładowski warsztat pracy na przykładzie twórczości Olgierda Szlekysa i Władysława Winczego

  5. Ludowość zastosowana w przemyśle

  6. Na pograniczu danych, kreacji i decyzji projektowych. Wprowadzenie do warsztatów badawczo-projektowych

  7. Warsztaty ideacyjne online

  8. Przekraczanie granic w warsztacie. Spojrzenie projektanta

  9. Slojd, czyli nauka zręczności

2 Kraków Workshops Association

The Kraków Workshops Association had an important role in the Polish culture which relied upon promoting material culture by means of merging artistic and craft activities for developing original, native-culture related principles of design and production of everyday objects. Its ultimate goal was raising the society culture level by satisfying the basic need of any individual – contact with art – regardless of one’s social status.

The article describes the character of this organization, its social and political conditions, and three persons: Włodzimierz Konieczny, Karol Homolacs and Antoni Buszek. It indicates the artists of particular significance for the ideological direction, introduction of innovative creative methods as well as their contribution to the functioning of the association, the objectives they set – in those times and conditions – making decisions regarding common action. Despite the relatively short period of operation, merely 13 years, their work in the form of presented ideas, proposed theories and applied creative methods was resumed and developed by the subsequent creative organizations, such as the “Ład” Artistic Cooperative (1926), artistic schools and academies.
A contemporary form similar to the Kraków Workshops are the industrial design companies and the initiatives organizing short-term creative workshops.

Keywords: applied arts, Kraków Workshops, Konieczny Włodzimierz, Homolacs Karol, Buszek Antoni