Nr 19/2023 Z punktu widzenia…
7 Join Industry as a Service to Society. The 1963 Launch of Industrial Designers Society in the International Context

Nr 19/2023 Z punktu widzenia…

  1. Wstęp

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  4. Modernistyczna arkadia i przestrzenie kompensacyjne z punktu widzenia architektki

  5. Miasto jako przestrzeń kultury

  6. Ciało i środowisko jako aktywny współpodmiot poznania – wiedza ucieleśniona w pracy z gliną

  7. Unaukowić dizajn, czyli jak powstało wzornictwo przemysłowe. Kultura projektowania w Polsce lat 60.

  8. Razem z przemysłem w służbie społeczeństwu. Powołanie Stowarzyszenia Projektantów Form Przemysłowych w 1963 roku w kontekście międzynarodowym

7 Join Industry as a Service to Society. The 1963 Launch of Industrial Designers Society in the International Context

The need for launching a grassroot organisation associating industrial designers arose in the early 1960s, when the new generation of designers started to realise that designing for industry had detached from furniture, ceramics or textile design, which stemmed from applied arts. Beside emphasising the separate character of a discipline considered new, the 1963 launch of the Industrial Designers Society resulted from the ambition of joining the international discourse, mainly by means of inclusion into the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design. This article discusses the genesis of Industrial Designers Society in the context of Polish and international design organisations indicating debates and phenomena which were taking place simultaneously on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

Keywords: Industrial Designers Society (SPFP), International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID), industrial design, industrial forms, People’s Republic of Poland (PRL)