Nr 3/2019 Jaka edukacja?
2 Industrial Design Education in View of Crisis

Nr 3/2019 Jaka edukacja?

  1. Wstęp

  2. Umiejętności projektowe przyszłości

  3. Edukacja projektantów wzornictwa wobec kryzysu

  4. Wobec świata na rozdrożu – nowe formy kształcenia dizajnerów

  5. Wyspa, czyli o metodyce kształcenia projektantów wzornictwa

  6. Utracone doświadczenie. Praktyczna edukacja projektowa w czasach cyfrowej rewolucji

  7. Społeczne oddziaływanie dizajnu – wnioski dla nauczania komunikacji wizualnej

  8. Kolorowa strona Bauhausu

2 Industrial Design Education in View of Crisis

This article refers to the challenges awaiting design education in Poland which must respond to the environmental and social crisis of the contemporary world. Considering how little time is left until our natural environment crosses the “no way back” point, the author postulates formulating a minimum plan of design education, accounting for the perspective of several nearest years. It is the time when designers still stand a real chance of becoming involved in the process of shaping new economic and civilizational priorities. The fundamental practical goals listed in the article include: professionalization of environmental design, enhancing designers’ technical skills, reasonable division of the knowledge and skills package, focussed around design education for years, as well as providing a permanent reference to the fundamental goal – taking control over the incoming environmental and social crisis.

Keywords: design education in Poland, social and environmental crisis, professionalization of pro-environmental design, new design specialties