Nr 8/2021 Dizajn z Poznania
3 Hotel Merkury in Poznań – the modernist gesamtkunstwerk

Nr 8/2021 Dizajn z Poznania

  1. Wstęp

  2. Rajmund Teofil Hałas. Historia polskiego meblarstwa

  3. Meblościanka. Mapa wielokrotnych narodzin idei

  4. Hotel Merkury w Poznaniu – modernistyczny gesamtkunstwerk

  5. Bazart. Poznańska galeria sztuki i dizajnu z lat 80. XX wieku

  6. Dizajn poznański. Odsłona współczesna

  7. Meblowanie miasta na przykładzie Poznania

3 Hotel Merkury in Poznań – the modernist gesamtkunstwerk

Hotel Merkury in Poznań is an exceptional modernist construction raised in the years 1961–1964. The work on the modern building and its furnishings was conducted by the Poznań architects and designers connected with the artistic academy in this city. Despite its undeniably pioneering character, indicated in the literature on numerous occasions, there has not been a complex study of this work to date. The research aimed to gather basic facts about this endeavour, specify the data and analyse the hotel’s architecture and preserved objects of its original furnishings. As a result, Merkury and its designers are included in a broader context of the European modernist thought. This enabled the indication of particular dimensions defining the Poznań hotel as an avant-garde work.

Keywords: Jan Węcławski, Poznań architecture, post-war furniture making in Poland, architectonic ceramics, design