Nr 10/2021 Technologiczny niepokój
2 Hazardous chemicals in furniture and applied arts. Indications of risks and guidelines for designers

Nr 10/2021 Technologiczny niepokój

  1. Wstęp

  2. Ścieżki we mgle – czyli o projektowaniu jutra

  3. Niebezpieczne chemikalia w meblach i sztuce użytkowej. Zagrożenia i wskazówki dla projektujących

  4. Bioplastiki zapożyczone ze świata mikrobów

  5. Biotechnologia zmienia myślenie dizajnerów o projektowaniu

  6. Sztuczna inteligencja będzie wszechobecna. Co z tego wynika?

  7. Elegia na zmierzch Homo sapiens. Od cywilizacji rozwoju do cywilizacji dziedzictwa

  8. Czego chcemy od nowych technologii?

2 Hazardous chemicals in furniture and applied arts. Indications of risks and guidelines for designers

As many other disciplines, design observes the increase in pro-environmental trends. It takes into consideration such solutions as using natural materials, minimalism and recycling. Unfortunately, it is still rare to think about eliminating hazardous chemical substances, and this notion is the focus of this article. It presents the subject of SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) and related regulations. The text discusses examples of substances present in products used for interior design and their effect on the human health. It also offers alternatives for hazardous materials and certificates regarding the criteria of SVHC elimination. Emphasis is put on pitfalls awaiting designers searching for environment-friendly solutions. “Eco” not always equals healthy, and there is a dark side to recycling, too.

Keywords: chemistry, ecology, certificates, health, greenwashing