Nr 20/2024 Promocja dizajnu
5 Design Lab. Design-Based Business Support Programmes

Nr 20/2024 Promocja dizajnu

  1. Wstęp

  2. Dizajn dla wszystkich. Subiektywnie o wystawach projektowania

  3. Fenomen Eindhoven. Historia i rozwój Dutch Design Week

  4. Dizajn w muzeum

  5. Między światowością a lokalnością. Dylematy promowania polskiego dizajnu na przykładzie Zamku Cieszyn

  6. Projektowe laboratorium, czyli programy wsparcia dla biznesu oparte na dizajnie

  7. Promowanie przez pisanie. Rola publikacji i krytyki w kształtowaniu projektowania graficznego

  8. Wygrałem, zdobyłem, zapłaciłem…

5 Design Lab. Design-Based Business Support Programmes

This article presents experience regarding the execution of business support programmes for small and medium enterprises from various design centres in Europe, also in Poland. It describes such operations and forms they take. There is a summary of selected conclusions of evaluation as well as conversations with representatives of particular centres. The text is also based on the author’s own experience of working at one of the leading centres of this kind – Design Council in London, and of collaboration with design centres not only in Poland and Great Britain, but also other countries in Europe.

It explains the function of business support programmes within design, their role and why they are important for European and Polish economy. The advantages of running such programmes are presented on the example of Designing Demand conducted in the years 2007–2012 by Design Council. A perspective of organisations carrying out such support programmes is shown – what the focus points with such activities are, what designers can learn from such programmes, and how they can be useful. Finally, the text summarises the directions of development of design-based business support programmes according to the author’s observations of their evolution over the two recent decades.

Keywords: support for business, design management, design centres, evolution of design efficiency