Nr 2/2019 Wokół Bauhausu
3 Beside – Polish Designers and Bauhaus

Nr 2/2019 Wokół Bauhausu

  1. Wstęp

  2. Wirus Bauhausu

  3. Bauhaus. Przemilczane kryzysy

  4. Obok – polscy projektanci i Bauhaus

  5. Nowy początek. Kobiety Bauhausu

  6. Modernizm we Wrocławiu

  7. Nowoczesne meble z niklowanych rur stalowych i ich bielski projektant Bruno Weil

  8. Od modernizmu do medialabów. Krytyczne projektowanie w czasach nadmiaru danych

3 Beside – Polish Designers and Bauhaus

This paper presents the reception of Bauhaus in the Polish avant-garde circle between 1918 and 1939. The school and its founders were widely known and appreciated, as demonstrated by the reportage written by Tadeusz Peiper about his stay in Dessau in 1927 and published in the avant-garde magazine titled Zwrotnica [ang. A Switch]. In spite of the above, the direct influence of Bauhaus on the Polish scene turned out to be limited. In Poland, there was a lack of manufacturers and customers interested in projects related to German solutions. The furnishing of the Residence of Presidents of the Republic of Poland in Wisła (1929–1931) remained an exceptional achievement because of the use of metal tubes referring to Marcel Breuer’s projects. Polish designers and architects obtained an education in innovative artistic academies in the country by giving up on travelling abroad. Due to the dynamic of artistic life in Poland and the challenges related to modernization of the country, creators faced different problems than those in Germany. Hence, the solutions proposed by Bauhaus were considered inadequate although valued.

Keywords: Bauhaus, avant-garde, reception